Tattoo Colors
Colors, which are used for tattooing, pose a special problem, which can lead to certain reactions after tattooing, or on the other hand, when you want to remove the tattoo. Today, unfortunately, does not know the norms and controlled procedures for the colors of tattoos - the names of colors are the most frequently mentioned like information, the manufacturer is not necessary to state the precise chemical composition.
Tattoo Colors
Colors are registered as cosmetics means or color additives and therefore do not pass through strict regulatory procedures that are required for the medical product. Concern is however the quality of the pigments and on the other hand, the paints additives. And even more - many colors, which are today used for the tattooing, are not approved for use on the skin. For example, some people for such procedures use color for printers and, believe it or not, even the color for cars!!!
Tattoo Colors